Surviving in the Music Industry as an Introvert

Music IndustryBeing in the music industry as an introvert can be quite a challenge. The world of entertainment requires people to be daring and outgoing. Find out tips on how to make it in this industry as a rather withdrawn musician.

Seek Help From Experienced Friends

As it may be harder for you to make connections or be in certain social situations regarding the music industry, bring a friend along to help you with networking. Having someone who knows how to put in a good word for you would be very beneficial, especially as an introvert.

Rehearse In Front of Smaller Groups

Performing on stage for a massive audience can be as unpleasant as it sounds. Practice your performances for small audiences, like nursing homes or even a group of friends. From then on, rehearse performances for larger groups until performing for a full audience is not a challenge anymore.

Create a Few Basic Conversation Starters

To help you ease in to conversations that may make you feel a bit uneasy, prepare a few opening lines that you can use in certain situations.

– At a performance, ask the person if they’re enjoying the live acts. That way, you can talk about your own music during the conversation.

– If you have a friend with experience in the music industry, mention that person, and eventually, you will be able to talk about yourself as well.

Perform Online

Many people boost their careers off of the web. With the fear of performing for an audience, creating videos of your performances can help. This way, you can’t see anybody, they can only see you. Once your confidence has built up by making videos, you may be ready for performing live!

For more information about the music industry, follow our SongCast blog!

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