SongCast Artists – Free Promotional Opportunities Are Available!

Help us promote you!
We have several free promotional opportunities available.

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SongCast loves our family of indie artists!  Over the years, we have instituted several ways to help promote the vast amount of indie music that we distribute.  Our artists are located around the world and produce music in every genre that exists!  We are proud of our hard-working, diverse, and accomplished artists that use SongCast for world-wide digital distribution.

If you would like to be considered for our weekly Spotify New Music Playlist and our brand new montly podcast, please email our radio and social media guru Joe Kleon at the email address below.

Our weekly Spotify New Music playlist features music that has been uploaded to and distributed to SongCast within the last year.  It doesn’t necessarily have to be new music, just new to SongCast.
Here is a link to our weekly Spotify playlists.  They are a treasure trove of phenomenal indie music!
Click Here To Check Out Our Spotify New Music Playlists.

We also have begun a monthly podcast, dedicated to SongCast artists.  This podcast features new and older music, videos, interviews, testimonials, and is dedicated to promoting our incredible family of SongCast artists.
Click Here for the first episode of our Podcast, available on YouTube and SoundCloud.
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Of course, space in these playlists and podcasts are limited, so we can guarantee everyone who submits will be included, but we will do the best we can.  In the next month or so, we will also begin promoting artists with information and links on our social media, including Facebook, X, Instagram, Pinterest, MeWe, and LinkedIn,

If you are interested in being considered, please send as much information as you can.  Please try to include a short bio of yourself and/or your band, a link to your SongCast music page, your artist name, links to videos, websites, and social media, and a photo, if possible.  Email your submission to

Thank you!  We look forward to hearing from you!

One Comments

  • Ngombe Ntoto M. 18 / 12 / 2024 Reply

    Thank you for includng me

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