Welcome back to Dottie’s Corner. Today I want to talk about your Facebook Page.
There is a lot of opportunity to reach your fans through your Facebook Page. Many artists list show dates, post pictures of the band, maybe even include a You Tube video of their band performing.
Those are all great ideas and necessary information to pass along to fans. I want to mention that it is a wonderful idea to engage your fans even more. You want your viewers to get to know you, the band, where the music really comes from. I have always believed that the music is part of the musician’s soul, so let your fans know there is a lot more to you than show dates and band pics.
Post humorous images, comics, memes and jokes. Post videos of other musical artists that inspire you. You can even upload artwork and pictures that speak to you. What you are doing is creating more of a relationship between you and your fans through your page.
The more your viewer knows about you and what inspires your music, the more they will be inspired to listen to your music and hopefully buy your music. Also remember to connect your SongCast Music Page to your Facebook Page. Use as many outlets as possible to spread the word about your music.
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Thanks for stopping by and see you next time at Dottie’s Corner!
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