Facebook Now Intergrated with itunes – What You Need to Know

In 2010 Apple introduced Ping, a music-based social networking platform that let users recommend and share music. Steve Jobs described Ping as “Facebook and Twitter meet iTunes” when officially announcing the service. Initially, Ping was to be integrated with Facebook, but that feature was pulled shortly after Ping’s launch. Ping never caught on with the general public and Apple announced it would be closing the service in September 2012.

sell_music_on_itunesOn the heels of Ping’s slow, quiet death, true Facebook/iTunes integration is finally here, but not for all iTunes users. The new Facebook integration is for Apple’s iOS devices (iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad) through their new iOS 6 platform using iTunes 11. The new iOS will work on iPhones going back to the

3GS and on the iPad 2. It will come pre-loaded onto the new iPhone 5 and iPod Touch devices. Since over two-thirds of iTunes sales come from purchases made through iOS devices, it’s a smart move in the right direction for Apple, as it will drive more people from Facebook to iTunes to sample and purchase music. It’s also a smart move for Facebook for similar reasons, and it could be a win-win situation for all parties involved, including indie acts who have their music on iTunes.

Basically, this new integration will let you “like” and “share” music on iTunes through the app store. Touch a button and it’s shared to your Facebook page. Others can see what you’re purchasing, listening to and what acts you’re following. The new feature isn’t just for music, either. The iOS 6 Facebook integration includes photo and map sharing, as well as event sharing, and can be used on multiple apps.

Facebook_adsSo, as an independent artist, what does Facebook integration for iTunes mean to you? In a nutshell, if your music is on iTunes, you could garner more sales, since this development means more sales for iTunes and more traffic for Facebook in general. But you can’t just sit back and expect sales to happen because some new software was developed and integrated. You have to be proactive. Spend some time with the new features. Once you’ve learned the ropes, let your existing fan base know about them. Not everyone spends their time staying up-to-date on the latest Apple software updates. Even though it made headlines and TV news stories when people were lining up to buy the new iPhone 5, the fact that Facebook is now integrated with that new iPhone, or any other iOS devices, wasn’t widely reported outside of techie sites and blogs. Use your blog, website and social networking platforms to let everyone who cares about your music know that they can now share your music with others through iTunes’ new Facebook integration.

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