In all likelihood, you’re well aware that your band needs to actively utilize its social media accounts to promote your music online. But if you’ve ever browsed through the seemingly endless multiplicity of your counterparts on Facebook or Twitter, the entire social media rat race can seem almost hopeless. It’s easy to feel like another drone in Facebook’s army of indie musicians, only updating your status and posting filtered pics because you’re supposed to.
Allow us to let you in on an empowering little secret – you’re actually the one in charge here. Social media giants like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Foursquare would waste away without musicians, who garner the hype and popularity necessary to keep users engaged and sharing.
Say it with us, “Social media needs me to promote my music, or no one would care about social media.”
According to, the top 5 most-followed Twitter account holders are all – you guessed it – musicians. The top five trending topics of 2011? All music related. Moreover, at least 50% of Twitter users follow at least one musician. Even using the phrase “EDM” to describe electronic dance music was started as a hashtag on Twitter. Today, Twitter executives estimate #EDM is currently used as many as 3,000 times per day.
Need more proof? Let’s examine Facebook’s most popular people. The top 10 most-liked celebrity pages all belong to musicians (Eminem takes home the gold at 60 million Facebook Likes).
This raw popularity can be strategically converted into brand building and music promotion. Take, for example, social media’s poster boy of success – David Guetta. His Facebook fan page has over 35 million Likes, which he uses to forge his own business model of musical success. While some criticize his commercialism, Guetta has secured a massive revenue stream, bypassing traditional music industry models and getting in touch with his fans directly.
Promote your music online with social media and SongCast, where your music is distributed further!
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