Band Names you’ve Probably Never Thought of

How to sell music on iTunes is as easy as getting noticed. But this modern age of limitless connectivity and accessibility is a double sided coin – on one hand, your potential audience is infinitely wider, unrestricted by proximity. On the other hand, your competition has expanded equally exponentially.

If I were you, I might be asking myself how to sell my music on iTunes organically right about now. Well, there’s one surefire way to intrigue all potential listeners – have a band name they simply can’t resist!

Wholesale Slaves; Throat Saddle; Wolf Blitzer and the Dead Orchid. Any takers?


With so many bands and so many artists trying to figure out how to sell music on iTunes these days, sometimes it’s hard to imagine a way to just separate from the crowd and take that oh so profitable step forward. But with a name unlike any other (Dave and the Horizontal Jugglers, anyone?) how can you not get noticed for being unique?

From Rage Against to the Machine to Maroon 5, music artists have been coming up with creative (and let’s face it, sometimes just plain random) band names for decades. But there does seem to be a trend. The more original the band name, the easier it is to remember. The easier a band is to remember, the wider their audience. And the wider the audience, the more successful the band.

Throat Saddle is looking pretty good right about now, isn’t it?

So the next time you sit down and ask yourself the question, “How to sell my music on iTunes?” remember the power and the attraction of a band name that no one’s ever heard of. And maybe it wouldn’t hurt to consider investing in a good old fashioned thesaurus.


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