Recording Your Ideas &
Making Rehearsal demos
Welcome to a brand new feature here at SongCast, the Indie Artist Insider. Every Monday, we will post a new video containing tips, tricks, and sound advice on how to succeed in the music business. We will start off targeting those who are new to the music scene and progress into topics for the most seasoned and veteran musicians.
If you have any topics you would like to see covered on the Indie Artist Insider, please email host Joe Kleon at
On this edition of the indie artist insider, we will be talking about recording your ideas and making rehearsal demos.
Whether you are an artist, rapper, or part of a band, recording your ideas and archiving your rehearsals can be very beneficial.
If you have a phone, tablet, computer, or smart watch, chances are you have access to apps that can record audio. These apps vary in terms of quality, some are free, some are not, but they all serve a very important purpose in your life as a musician.
When you are practicing, maybe by yourself at home, with your band, or just freestyling in the car, you may come up with an incredible beat, riff, rhyme, song title, or catch phrase. If you not record or archive this moment, chances are you may forget it. Don’t lose these valuable moments. Record yourself when you practice, when your band rehearses, when your band plays live. If you don’t like the recordings, if you don’t make any use out of them, you can delete them. But, you can have them if you need them to go back to. You can go back and listen to these recordings. Capitalize on the things you like, save the riffs that you remember, change the things you do not like.
Take riffs, phrases, and bits of music and save them for when you are ready to record. That way, you will have a head start on the process, with a bank of lyrics, riffs, and ideas that you have come up along the way.
Practicing using multi track recording software is never going to hurt you. The more you can learn about recording your own music, you will save and you’ll have the ability to create on the fly.
Read online tutorials, watch videos about recording, mixing, and mastering. Learn how to do it properly and how to change certain settings to meet your needs. Learning how to properly record in various situations is not easy, but it learned with some patience and dedication. In the end learning recording, mixing, and mastering techniques will be just as important as being a good musician.
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