SongCast Podcast – Episode Nine – September 6, 2024

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Episode Nine of our SongCast Podcast is live!
Stream on YouTube, SoundCloud, or listen to the music on Spotify.

We will check in with these genres: hip hop, rock, pop, dance, reggae, country, and more!

This Month’s Featured Artists:
(Click the covers to purchase music)

We start off with tasty country from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and Teri Bozok’s “Lie.”

teri lie
The YouTube version of this podcast includes a video for this fun track from Eric Bush called “Doozit Baby.”

eric doozit
A second video from a great indie artist follows on the YouTube version of this podcast, this time from Nigeria’s Miz Gold and a track called “I Love The Way.”

miz i love the way
We get a little wobbly with a large dose of “Champagne And Reefer” from the Roy Sites Band.  Indie Rock from the Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater area of Florida.

roy sites

Let’s settle into a smooth rhythm & blues goove with “I Get So Much Love” from Cosmic Wavelengths Vastitude.  

cosmic i gotWe hit Detroit, Michigan for indie hip hop from Silk The Shocker and a track called “The League.”

silk the league
Gong Gullu was born in Jamaica and now resides in Connecticut.  Skank along to “Dance (To The Reggae Show.)

gong dance

Our world search for the best indie music lands us in South Africa with some tasty reggae from Bob Magic and the tune “Julia.”

bob julia

We hit up some more indie hip hop, this time from Sacramento, California, with Cherryblood’s “My G.”

cheeryblood my g

We engage with some danceable pop with pristine vocals and climb aboard Trinity Jay’s “Rocketship.”

trinity rocket

Rich Dolla spits out some hard and heavy indie hop with a track called “Change Your Mind.”

rich change

We travel to Hanover Park, just outside of Chicago and get energized with Mark Milan and “I’m Going Crazy.”

mark im going
We end off this month’s podcast by bashing you over the head with heavy, alternative rock from Death By Nine and the track “Fictional Reality.”

death by nine


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