5 Tips to Promote Your Music Online

On average, a website has approximately 10 seconds to make an impression on a viewer before they decide to stay and explore it. In order to promote your music, artists need to ensure their band or artist websites are inviting to current and potential fans. Below are a few tips that will help you to attract and retain visitors to your band’s website.

1. Easiness

Websites that promote your music should be easy to read and navigate.  Fans and visitors should be able to easily find essential sections of your website.  When you are designing the layout of your website, be sure that all of the tabs and “click throughs” are well organized. The navigation menu should be in easy to understand terms, such as Bio, Calendar, Music, Blog, Photos, Extras, Merchandise, Videos and so on.  All important items should be only one or two clicks away from the home page in order to better promote your music.  Also, have links to all of your social media sites on your homepage.

2. Compatibility

All computers are different, both in compatibility and security access.  Not all browsers are compatible with flash or allow pop-up windows.  Meaning, be wary of using heavy amounts of flash on your website.  Also, as smartphones continue to grow in popularity and ability, make sure your website is available to work on mobile phones.  You will have more opportunities to promote your music if fans can access your website on their phones.

3. Readily Available Music

People will visit your site because they enjoy or are curious about your music.  So give them what they want! Have samples of your music readily available for people to listen to and promote your music through your sounds.  Nothing will promote your music better than free music.  As a band, consider making one or two free downloads of your music.

4. A Picture Says a Thousand Words

Viewers enjoy pictures over words.  Use pictures to update your fans on your latest concerts, practices and band outings.  Your fans will feel more connected to you and your music.

5. Make Sure it Works

Check your links on your website and be sure that each one works correctly.  Simple mistakes can stop your fans from finding out about your next show or new song.  Make a good impression on listeners through your website and you will better promote your music.

One Comments

  • Johnebyne 25 / 06 / 2013 Reply


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