How to use Promoted Tweets to Drive Sales

twitter-community-600The world’s premier micro-blogging platform has recently opened up the floodgates on its Promoted Tweets program, which means the potential reach of your online music promotion efforts has just increased drastically. Although Twitter is initially going with a beta version that will be available to one in ten of their total number of users, this still represents tens-of-millions of eager tweeters. Basically, instead of having access to just the number of people that follow your username; now you can reach many millions more and drive sales using these techniques:

  • The first thing you should probably consider is using Promoted Tweets to build up your cadre of followers. By targeting the right keywords most indicative of your online music promotion efforts, you’ll attract users of Twitter’s search function, who will then interact with you – and maybe even your website.
  • As your list of followers grows, your Promoted Tweets program can expand to local search; which means identifying where the majority of your visitors are coming from. Armed with this information, you can have concerts, meet-ups, signing events or other public-interaction event in the most popular areas. The Promoted Tweets program even supports geo-targeting of keywords, which has the potential of drastically increasing the number of people who show up to a locally-hosted event.
  • The continued success of your online music promotion efforts depends crucially on Analytics; which entails using metrics to find out how the content you’re putting out there is doing with your followers. Twitter’s Promoted Tweets program is fully behind this kind of business streamlining; enabling you to allocate your resources to the most effective methods. You’ll be able to see customer response to the events you host; which cities or locales fare better, the content they prefer, and much more.
  • As your social network grows larger, you will be able to utilize Promoted Tweets to great effect by setting up contests and give-aways. There will always be a sizable fraction of interested people if you set up a music-giving promotion requiring, for example, your followers to send your link to as many of their friends as feasible. Additionally, you can just use them to inform your audience of price mark-ups on music CDs or band paraphernalia – anything you choose that you think would resonate with fans and followers.
  • In addition to having your followers recommend members of their own Twitter networks to your site, you can take a more direct approach for a two-pronged attack: actively search for followers with similar interests to the ones you already have. The chances are good that they’ll like the same or similar music – especially with a large-enough stable of followers – and your online music promotion plan can take off.
  • One of the most novel features of the Promoted Tweets program is the ability to allow your tweets to “drip”; now, you needn’t worry that your post-show, 3 AM tweets aren’t being seen by the majority of your followers – especially if they’re based in the United States. You can combine the ability to setup scheduled campaigns with your Twitter Analytics to pinpoint the times when traffic and interaction are greatest, and fire away to your legions of followers even as you are sleeping or otherwise occupied.

If you can implement all of these into your promotion plans, then you give yourself the chance to skyrocket when Twitter decides to open up its Promoted Tweets program even more, and include all several hundred million of its global users.


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