How to Motivate Yourself and Your Band

Music DistributionWhen successful Swedish band ABBA formed in 1972, they had no idea how popular they would become in the music industry. Each member is still an iconic figure for musicians, despite the group parting ways in 1982. As fruitful as all four members careers were, they too had to search for the motivation that led them to selling more than 370 million records worldwide. The same goes for other noteworthy bands like The Beatles, the Rolling Stones and the stimulating members of Bob Marley and the Wailers. Selling music in a somewhat clustered market can seem like quite an arduous task however, by motivating both yourself and your band members; you can take steps in the right direction.

Highlight Strengths of Each Band Member

Nothing is as effective for motivation as praise, so take the time to notice the main assets of your band members. The beauty of forming a band is that everyone is different, therefore you can benefit from every idea that is contributed. To keep ideas flowing and to boost band potential, frequently show your appreciation towards your team. When you begin doing this, cooperation will improve and members will understand how to employ their talent effectively.

Consider Collaborations

Multifarious artists now take risks when selling music by collaborating with other industry artists. When Rihanna performed with Coldplay to sing Princess of China, fans were taken aback due to the collaboration being so unique. Although both artists boast a different style, merging these trends together resulted in mass exposure and thriving record sales. Making beats with another artist or artist will stimulate your band to write new music. It may even be worth remaking your favorite tracks that motivated you to start a band in the first place.

Relate to the Needs of Fans

Artists that flourish are the ones who relate to their fans. When a fan feels connected to your music, their fondness for you will grow and this will make selling music much easier. For example the Black Eyed Peas song ‘Where is the Love?’ was nominated for Record of the Year at the 46th annual Grammy Awards, because the underlying message exposed problems with the world and this touched the hearts of millions of people worldwide. If your niche is aimed at teenagers, get motivated to write music with your band about school, first love or weekend fun. Being current in the industry will be the key to success and when reaching out to males and females, your ambition and hunger will boost tenfold.

Reward your Band Members

The satisfaction of success is undeniable but there will come a time when you will have to reward band members in order to keep them motivated. If you fail at something, you will feel deflated but if you arrange a trip to watch an idol in concert or a shopping spree every time you and your band meet goals, you can stay encouraged and learn the value of being praised for your work. When regularly introducing positive reinforcement, each band member will feel less subdued, resulting in more music creativity.

Change Environment and Glean Feedback

Knowing what you are good at will light the fire inside that is essential for success. Regularly come up with new sounds and perform with your band in various environments. A change of scenery will be refreshing and the new sights, sounds and smells will drive you to craft new music. You can gain recognition in this way and involve your audience by gleaning feedback after your performance. Concrete feedback will push you and your band to build strong foundations.

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