3 Secrets of a Successful Live Music Performance

Live Music PerformanceAs a performer, you may find that thinking about a live music performance can be downright terrifying. There’s a lot riding on live shows: first impressions, download, disc, or merch sales, and your reputation. Don’t let your performances fall flat (or make you faint). Amp up any live music performance by using these three secrets of success:

1. Engage Your Audience

If you stare blankly past your audience, don’t be surprised if future shows are poorly attended. Your audience members are on the scene for atmosphere. If you’re a successful performer, your audience will feel every emotion you feel while performing. Consider taking acting lessons to help you discover how to engage audiences. Make them laugh, make them cry — just make them feel something!

It’s really the little things that will win over the crowd. (There are reasons why your high school teachers nagged you to use eye contact when giving presentations!) If you act like your crowd members are unimportant during a live music performance, they’ll find another performer to follow.

2. Hold a Dress Rehearsal

If you’re allowed, visit the stage for a dress rehearsal. Practice calmly walking across it. Envision the entire performance. Take notice of how the stage is set up and how your voice and/or instruments resonate. Do some tweaking. Familiarity will help calm your nerves and set your show up for success.

3. Know Microphone Techniques

Whether you can try out your microphone(s) during a dress rehearsal or not, there are some tried-and-true techniques for using them:

  • Never point mics directly at speakers.
  • Generally, keep the mic 2 to 3 inches from your mouth. (Put it closer during softer sections of your performance or pull it away during louder parts.)
  • Bring or request a microphone stand if you don’t yet feel comfortable holding mics.

If you can’t draw your audience members into your live music performance, they’ll remain disinterested. If holding a dress rehearsal is impossible, still try to envision your performance before-hand and practice using microphones. It may not be glamorous, but prep work may take your music career to a new level.

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