Testing Your Music

So you’ve got new lyrics scribbled on napkins and you’ve been throwing around somesongcast_music_distribution_artists melodies in your head. But you’re stuck on the bridge for a song. You need help, maybe some inspiration, and a little nudge to move your new ideas along. You also need feedback to gauge how people will respond to your material.

As an independent musician, it’s important to test your new material and ask for feedback from people who will be honest with you and whose ideas you respect and trust. These people will be a tremendous asset to you, so be sure to respect their opinions, thank them, and let them know if you implement any of their ideas. Their feedback and assistance will tremendously helpful to your career.

So, who can you reach out to for feedback? Consider the following:

Friends: Friends can be helpful, but be wary of “yes men” who will say they like your stuff just because they don’t want to offend. Reach out to friends that will give you honest and objective feedback.

Family: Also beware of family members that want to be so encouraging that they don’t provide any criticism. Seek out family members that will tell you what they really think.

Fans: Fans are typically exceedingly honest in telling you whether or not they like your material. As them for feedback via social media, and you might be surprised at just how much insight they’ll provide.

Music Colleagues: Actively seek out colleagues in the music industry for creative assistance and for critical feedback. Be sure to go outside of your typical realm of contacts in order to obtain interesting and fresh ideas.

Remember that by asking for feedback, you must be willing to handle and truly consider critical feedback. Constructive criticism is just that: constructive.

What do you think? Who do you turn to for feedback?

Up next: The Benefits of Converting Your Facebook Profile Into a Business Page

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One Comments

  • Music Marketing Chris 22 / 04 / 2011 Reply

    Such an important point, I would add that it’s a great idea to try and get your music played at a club and see how people respond.

    – chris