Have You Made a Commitment to Further Your Career?

committment_to_musciHaving a career in music takes a lot of work and persistence. As an independent artist, you are your own boss and you’re ultimately responsible for your success or failure. You cannot sit around waiting for the phone to ring. In order to succeed, you must make a commitment to yourself to work every day to further your career.

Not sure how to get started? Here are some ideas:

Post to social media at least once a day. Keep your fans up to date about your music and remember to engage in a conversation with them by asking questions and participating in the conversation.

Email a booking agent. Booking shows takes time and persistence. Work to establish relationships with booking agents at multiple venues on a regular basis.

Send an email to your fans. Keep your fans interested in you and your music by offering interesting “behind the scenes” footage and new content.

Contact the media. Have an interesting, timely story? Let the media know. Send them a media alert or press release about your newsworthy story.

Write lyrics. Writing is work. So even if you’re not feeling particularly inspired, you should practice writing lyrics on a regular basis.

Practice! Contact your band members and get to work perfecting your sound. Practice makes perfect!

Look for band members. Did you have a recent dropout or perhaps you’re looking to supplement your sound? Seek out new band members.

Look for potential partnerships. Is your band a great fit for a potential corporate or small business partnership? Look for ways to get your name out there through cross promoting.

In order to achieve your goals, you must make a commitment to yourself to do at least one thing every day to further you career. Eventually the work will become second nature and you’ll begin to see the pay-off.

Tell us what you think! What do you do every day to help your career?

Up next: SongCast chooses another artist to help with a Social Media Makeover!

The SongCast Crew

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  • Scatta R.Pee 26 / 05 / 2011 Reply

    That’s ever so true, me myself as a artists there’s still some thing’s I have to tweak on a everyday basis. To actually start to see the benefits. Google Scatta R.Pee, I’m on itunes, as well as Amazon, Rhapsody, Lastfm , etc. Thanks alot for any advice, and I’m currently looking for a booking agency or agent that love Authentic Hip-Hop.

  • Music Marketing Chris 28 / 05 / 2011 Reply

    I love the idea of commitments…

    It’s a good idea to ask yourself, “what tasks if I commit to them everyday will have the best chance of leading to success?”

    You can never know for sure but this gives you a great start.

    – chris

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