Confident Performances Lead to Better Online Music Sales

online_music_salesConfidence during a performance can inspire a crowd.  As you rock out on stage, your audience will be watching your every move.  Most likely, at some point many people in the audience will be envious and have visions of what it would be like to be on stage.  Having a confident appearance in front of them will ensure your fans leave your show wanting tolisten to more of your music and wishing they could live the life of a rock star.  Use the strategies below to increase your confidence on stage while being able to sell music online at an increased rate.

Confidence Strategies

As a musician, if you have stage fright at any level, small or large, it is important that you discover strategies that will help you to overcome it. Having a larger sense of confidence on stage will help you in your efforts of selling music on iTunes and other places online. Personal strategies can include developing a positive response to stress and refining your self-evaluation skills. By changing your body’s response to stress, you will come to enjoy the pressure and channel the once nervous energy into creative power. It is also important for you to fully understand your strengths and weaknesses, as it will help you on and off of the stage. Task related strategies can also help to bring more confidence to the stage. You will need to know your music inside and out.  This includes choosing music that is attainable for you to play as well as many hours of practice. The less you worry about the notes you are going to hit, the more you will be able to focus on your overall performance. Use these stress relieving techniques to increase your confidence on state and better sell music online.

Marketing Efforts

Once your confidence skills have gained momentum and you are feeling more comfortable on stage, you will be able to use your stage presence to better market your online music sales. On stage remind your fans that you sell music online and that you will continue selling music on iTunes.  Talk up your tracks and CDs.  As you have them enthralled by your performance you will be able to make a pitch for them to buy your songs. Your fans can’t support your music without knowing where to find it, because of this it is your duty as a musician to inform them where they can find it.

Just remember, take a deep breath and stay confident on stage. For more tips on selling music on iTunes or online, contact SongCast today!

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