Blogging and SEO: Why Fresh Content is a Must to Sell Music Online

Fans and music lovers have begun to expect more from their favorite bands and artists. By blogging and providing fresh content to your readers, you are able to supply your fans with first hand experiences and create more personal relationships. Also constantly adding new articles to your blog and content to your website, Internet users looking for musicians in your genre will be able to find you easier and faster.


SEO and Readership Benefits

By uploading new pages to your website, search engines such as Google andseo_for_musicians Bing are able to recognize that you are knowledgeable about the topic of music and in the genre of music you perform. As this happens, search engines will grant your site more credibility and over time, your search rankings will improve, making it easier for new fans to find your site and learn about your band. Adding content on a regular basis also gives readers valuable reasons to frequently return to the site. Writing interesting material will keep readers checking your blog for new articles.

Suggested Blog Posts

Blog posts should be interesting and engaging material. Give your readers something they can’t get elsewhere. Personal experiences and music explanations are unique to your band and music style. Go into depth on topics such as these to give your readers an inside look at what it is like to be in your shoes.  In the end producing high quality content for your site will help to promote your music and increase your sales as your sell music online.

Potential topics include:

  • Experience of first performance in front of an audience
  • Explanation of song creation
  • Explanation of future of your music
  • Album cover art meaning
  • Efforts to publish music
  • How you practice
  • Tips for other musicians
  • How to tune an instrument
  • Your favorite music playing products

Use the above topics and some of your own to add more articles to your band’s blog. Remember to keep the content interesting and promote engagement. For more tips on how to promote your music or sell music online contact SongCast today!

One Comments

  • Great stuff ,In SEO terminology, it is content that is new or dynamic in nature and gives people a reason to visit your Web site.