What You Should Eat Before a Show to Keep Up Your Energy

Most performers don’t think about it much, if at all, but what you eat before a show has a lot to do with your energy level on stage. Food is fuel, and there are bad and good fuels you can put in your body that affect energy level. Basically, the best foods to eat before performing are the best kind of foods to eat anytime for overall good health: natural and unrefined fruits, vegetables and whole grains. To be more specific for energy requirements, you need complex carbohydrates, protein and high fiber foods, along with water to wash it down and keep you hydrated.

Always check with your doctor first before making any significant changes to your diet.

Complex Carbohydrates

Food PyramidRecent trends have vilified certain types of carbs, but your body needs complex carbohydrates for energy. What are some examples of complex carbohydrate foods? Whole grains such as oats, so granola is a good choice; fruit — bananas are especially good because they are loaded with potassium, which helps to boost and maintain energy levels; and vegetables because they are low calorie vitamin-filled foods, especially those that are naturally vibrant with deep color. Whole-grain pasta, the old standby of long distance runners, is another good option, as are potatoes. And by potatoes we don’t mean french fries. Go with a baked potato instead.


High protein foods also provide energy. Lean, unprocessed meat is best — steak, poultry and fish — especially if it’s organic and doesn’t contain nitrates. If you aren’t a meat eater, plenty of other worthwhile protein options exist such as eggs, nuts and beans. Avoid fried versions of these foods heavy in saturated fat. These tend to move sluggishly through the digestive system, along with causing unpleasing side effects like heartburn, which isn’t the kind of effect anyone wants to see on stage.

What not to eat

Things to avoid: alcohol, caffeine and greasy fast food. These are extremely popular items, of course, especially among musicians who are on the road and have limited options a lot of the time, but they don’t do anything to boost energy levels. The bottom line, if you’re serious about maintaining energy throughout a long gig, is to eat hearty and healthy breakfast-type foods — eggs, granola, fruit — an hour or so before taking the stage to help maintain your stamina. It’s often said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and for musicians who keep unconventional hours when gigging, breakfast often comes in the evening hours. Just make it a healthy breakfast.


One Comments

  • David P Casey 22 / 04 / 2013 Reply

    This is good and nessisery stuff

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