Lyrically Stumped? Five Quick Tips to Inspire You

Music DistributionFor as long as you can remember, you’ve had your eyes on the end goal: to finally make it big and sell your music online. And though the journey is a great one, it’s not always an easy one. Especially when it’s time to write a new song.                                   

You sit down in front of the computer. You stare at the blinking cursor. You check your Twitter. You Facebook stalk that girl you met once at that one party your friend John had. You check your Twitter again.

Three hours and two plates of Pizza Bagels later, you realize you’ve got it: a scorching case of writer’s block.

But what’s a lyricist to do when he or she can’t come up with the perfect new lyrics for that perfect new song? How are you supposed to sell your music on iTunes when you can’t figure out what you want your music to say?

Because we know that staring at that cursor won’t get you anywhere, we’ve come up with a list of 5 quick tips to help get you inspired (and you know, eventually, famous):

  1. Say goodbye to the World Wide Web: There is nothing, and we mean nothing, more tempting while writing than the siren song of the internet. Reddit, YouTube, Facebook – a few minutes turns into a few hours in the blink of an eye, and all you’ll be left with are memories of that great cat video you watched twelve times. Just turn it off. If you can, try writing by hand. If not, shut down that internet connection. We promise: you won’t miss that much. 
  2. Listen to music: Though we’re not giving you permission to just start jotting down lyrics line-by-line from your favorite AC/DC song, a little music now and then can be the perfect thing to kick start your creative juices. After all, aren’t your favorite bands the reason you got into music in the first place?
  3. Come here often?: Though you don’t need to be in the same room every time you sit down to write (in fact, it might help to switch it up), picking a regular time of the day can be beneficial. Whether you wake in the middle of the day or you’re most alert at 2 AM, blocking out a scheduled time to sit down and pound those lyrics out can help you focus better and get down to business quicker.
  4. Buy a little black book: Not that kind of little black book. Instead of groupie phone numbers, this one will be filled with your random creative thoughts. By carrying around something to jot down your ideas in, you’ll relieve yourself of the pressure of having to come up with the perfect lyrics immediately, and you’ll be able to record your inspiration while on the go.
  5. Make lists: Names of ex-girlfriends, everything in your desk drawer, the first five things you do when you walk in the door. It doesn’t matter what the topic is, just start writing stuff down. Pretty soon, you’ll stumble upon an object, a name, or a memory that will become the perfect inspiration for a song!

So next time you find yourself wondering how to beat that writer’s block and sell your music online, think back to these inspiration tips. And for more helpful band tips, check out our website at



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