If We Must Choose: Music vs. Lyrics

Music_ResourcesHere at SongCast, we’re asked about a hundred different questions a day.

We get the basics, like “how do I sell music online?” and “how exactly does music distribution work?”

We get the interesting ones from “how do I stay connected to fans while on the road?” to “what’s up with Kayne’s recent album, “Yeezus”?

And of course, every once and a while, we get a real stumper. Today’s question?

If we had to pick just one, which would it be: music or lyrics?

Musical friends, we drew straws. We held debates. We flipped coins and stood on soapboxes and listened to impassioned speech after impassioned speech after impassioned speech.

And in the end, we reached an agreement:

We have no damn clue.

Some of us pointed to Bob Dylan, to John Lennon, to Gloria Gaynor. How do you top the poetry that is the Beatles, the magic that is Modest Mouse? How do you choose anything other than the goose-bump-inspiring words of Jeff Buckley?

And what about Billy Joel?

But then, we faced the music (pun absolutely intended).

We air-guitared to “Stairway to Heaven,” we strutted across the floor to “Killer,” we clutched our hearts during “Hotel California”…and before we knew it, two hours of the world’s best solos and chords and belting voices later, we were right back where we started.

So even though we can tell you just how to pick your perfect new drummer, even though we can help you decide on an unforgettable band name, and even though we’ll always have the answer to “how do I sell music on iTunes,” we just have to admit: we may never have just one answer to the question “music vs. lyrics.”

Now “Queen vs. One Direction?” Yeah, we’ll be ready for that one.

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