How To Get on the iTunes Front Page

sell music on iTunesThe growth of the Internet has revolutionized the music industry, and being able to sell your music on iTunes is important to reach a wide audience. A lot of Indie artists might assume iTunes is only available to people with record deals, but this is not the case— iTunes features Indie musicians all the time. Learn how to sell your music on iTunes and be featured on the front page by following these steps!

  1. Plan Ahead

Artists make deals regarding features weeks before their music actually appears on iTunes, so you need to be prepared. You will need songs that are of high production quality, and ideally a whole album prepared— iTunes gives more feature spots to albums than singles. Have a press kit ready to distribute that includes demos, professionally taken photos, past interviews and reviews, a bio, and touring info.

  1. Treat your band like a business

Your band is your job, so think of yourself as a music industry professional. More music executives will want to work with you if you act like an expert, and having a LinkedIn profile while actively working on your brand will help you gain contacts that will aid in selling your music on iTunes.

  1. Make deals

Consider allowing iTunes to give you a free single promotion. This won’t earn you as much revenue, but it will garner some interest in your music on iTunes. They also might feature you if you are willing to take a lower share of profits, which might be useful if it boosts sales overall.

  1. Create some buzz

Getting pre-orders of your songs or albums and having people talking about your music is essential in getting your music featured. Social media campaigns and touring, if possible, are great ways to achieve this.

  1. Get other spots on iTunes first

There are a lot of great opportunities to be had on iTunes for Indie musicians. They now have an entire Indie Spotlight Section for musicians like yourself, and they do other promotions, including single of the week or song of the day. Snagging these opportunities before you’re featured can help you gain new fans too.

With these tips, you will be able to sell your music on iTunes by becoming a featured artist on their front page. For more advice on how to make it as a musician and news on new music and trends, follow our blog!

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