Indie Musicians: How to Build Your Brand

Indian MusiciansBuilding your brand in the music industry will help you gain connections, get gigs and see more success in the long run. That’s why indie musicians should know how to market themselves–and here at SongCast, we have a few tips to get you rolling down the road to stardom.

Know how to market yourself online. One of the most important things you can do to create a solid brand is to keep its online sphere professional, up-to-date and relevant. Adding a blog section to your site and employing Search Engine Optimization (SEO), will help get your music out there. Facebook, Instagram and Twitter updates with photos and clips from band practice or future tour dates.

Form as many connections as you can. By building a long list of media connections, you will increase the chances to get great publicity. The more people see your work, the wider your fan base will grow.

Know how to craft a press release. A professional-looking press release can go a long way and spread the word about your music.

Know where the band is now and decide what you want in the long run. The brand could eventually change direction—be prepared for whatever your brand might become. Leave room for change, as that could come in many forms, such as trying out new genres, a band member starting a solo career or the group scheduling a big tour.

From a sleek album artwork to a professional website, building your brand as an artist reflects on who you are and what you do, so make it a priority!

How do you build your brand in the music industry? Let us know in the comments below, and stop by our SongCast blog for more tips for indie artists!

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