The Importance of Reviews

Now that you’ve mastered the use of traditional and social media tools and you’ve built a solid fan base, it’s important to remember that your new, enthusiastic fans are a great asset to you. They’ve attended your shows and purchased your music and may be willing to help spread the word about you.

One way to ask fans to help out is by asking them to write reviews of your music as a way to help you build a larger fan base. Reviews help new fans find you, learn about your sound and your brand, and persuade them to purchase your music.

Here are some places you can ask fans to review your music:

-Facebook page

If you spot a review that is particularly well written, funny or otherwise notable, share it on your social media sites. Consider highlighting a “review of the week” and give a prize to the writer/fan that comes up with the most creative review. And when you choose a review to spotlight, make sure you let the author know —they’ll want to tell their friends they were noticed.

By engaging your fans in the review process, it helps them feel like they’re part of your growth. They can say “I knew this musician way back when” and helped turn people on to them. By giving them a stake in your success, you are helping to make and keep a fan for life.

Have you had any interesting reviews that you care to share? If so, how did you get the review and what made it special?

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  • Narz Palma Sitoy 28 / 02 / 2011 Reply

    Because I am now on the process of doing my albums, the advance information about these are now on facebook. It is very interested so far because facebook is one of networking website that helps my music become notable.

  • Christine 28 / 02 / 2011 Reply

    This is an awesome suggestion for bands to gain fans. If bands that are first starting out gain reviews then hopefully they can gain popularity as well.

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