Email Marketing Tips for Musicians

Email marketing has been around for years, giving brands and consumers a way toemai_marketing_musiciansdirectly interact with one another. Over 90 percent of online consumers are subscribers and have provided their email addresses to at least one company or brand. With this high statistic it is important that bands and musicians are also using the technology to their advantage. Musicians and bands are able to communicate with their fans, keeping them up to date on new music releases, upcoming shows and other events, making email marketing an easy choice to promote your music.


One of the reasons email marketing works seamlessly is that consumers are familiar with it and expect to receive information regarding sales and promotions through this medium. The internet has simplified shopping and selling music online. You will be able to announce a new song release and include a link to where fans will be able to purchase and download the song.

Privacy and Trust

For email marketing to be successful and to receive a large following it is important to promote trust and ensure privacy to people who sign up for your emails. If your fans don’t trust you, they won’t subscribe to your communications. Be sure to honor unsubscribe inquiries in a timely manner and use the email lists for your content only.


According to research, almost half of subscribers (49 percent) open email promotions from their favorite brands and companies. Because of this you will want to give your fans a reason to want to open the emails. Promote your music through interesting facts and important information. Use pictures and links to videos when you can to keep readers interested.


Email marketing also has an advantage over other forms because of its exclusivity. People who subscribe to your emails are able to learn about special promotions and other important updates before others. To build a bigger readership, use this function and promote exclusive deals to promote your music.

For more information and tips on selling music online and how to promote your music contact SongCast today!

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