Twitter for Musicians and Artists

Twitter provides a social site that allows musicians and fans to interact with ease. With aTwitter_marketing_musicians constantly flowing conversation, Twitter users are able to send 140 character Tweets to their followers. Artists are able to show their voice clearly. While the stage allows musicians an arena to sing, Twitter gives a voice to their thoughts. As a band or artist it will not only help you to promote your music but also answer the question of how do you sell music on iTunes. By using Twitter as a tool you will be able to gain followers and fans.


Use Hashtags to Promote Your Music

Hashtags provide a way for Twitter users to interact on a specific theme, topic or conversation. Twitter users can click on a hashtag to see search results for recent Tweets also using that hashtag. This type of communication is centered around creative and compelling hashtags that followers find interesting.

Fan Interaction

To better promote your music, use Twitter as a space to interact with fans on a personal basis. As you receive Tweets from recent concert attendees or after a new song release, reply to them. Thank them for the compliments they give and have a conversation. This will build loyalty across your following. Also, use Twitter as a space for fan interviews. Incorporate hashtags such as #Ask(Band Name), and allow your fans to ask questions about your music, band, personal life and other aspects.


Many different types of communication can take place on Twitter. Bands and artists are able to use it as a space to speak freely to their fans and followers. Be sure that your voice and meaning is clear in your Tweets. Mentioning and replying to fans is important and will build a loyalty base throughout your followers and help you to gain additional followers. Use interactive media such as pictures, links to videos or your band website to keep fans interested.

For more tips on how do you sell music on iTunes and other ways to promote your music read the other blog posts by SongCast.

Also, check out Twitter’s site for additional tips: