Kick off the New Year with our latest Marketing Tips for Musicians

Music marketing keeps changing, and you need to keep up if your music is going to succeed online. We’ve taken a look at how the winds of change are swirling at the moment, and we’ve got three suggestions for how to better market your act in 2014!

Music_Marketing1 – Make More Content

Even if you want to take your time and ensure you’re crafting good music for people, you need to keep yourself alive in their minds. This is why the big acts have such active PR machines. You want people talking about your band whenever possible, and that means staying relevant to them.

So put out more content as part of your music marketing – behind the scenes stuff, interviews, concert footage, podcasts, whatever. You want more material online that will entertain your fans, and that they’ll share amongst themselves. That helps ensure they remember you when you release your next album.

2 – Put Yourself Under People’s Noses

Music marketing is quickly going mobile, and you need to find ways to go with it. You may not have the resources to create a dedicated app for yourself, like Bjork or Gaga, but be thinking along those lines.

Looking to get into more online radio station playlists would be a good idea. If you’re closely tied to a geographic region, look for ways to put promotions (or surprise shows) where fans of yours are likely to gather.

Where your fans go, try to be there first.

3 – Create Experiences

The world is filled with artists of all types, staying at home, purely publishing online, and never really getting noticed. Right now is a time to get out and do things. Get your band out of the garage, and go mingle with the people.

While it might seem contradictory, real-life interactions are becoming a larger part of Internet marketing. People carrying phones with them everywhere means online marketing can happen anywhere.

Creating real-life experiences for your fans, in person or from miles away, gives them something interesting to talk about. Real-life fun is almost always going to be discussed more than virtual fun.

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