In Case You Missed It: DIY Spotlight

Catch up with these indie artists, and discover their DIY strategies.  Indie artist Todd A sat down with Tower Defense, The Foxymorons, The Nobility, and Ryan Ervin of the Minor Toughs to discover how they manage their band, connect with fans, and manage to do it all themselves.

Be inspired and take your indie music career to the next level.

Tower Defense

DIY Spotlight: Tower Defense

“Four old friends with eight bands and one marriage shared between them get comfortable and make music they love.” That’s how Tower Defense describes themselves. Read more…


DIY Spotlight: The Foxymorons

Though they’d probably disagree with the characterization, The Foxymorons lead a charmed existence. Read more…


DIY Spotlight: The Nobility

What stands out about The Nobility — and is likely a secret to their longevity — is their committed aesthetic. Read more…

Ryan Ervin

DIY Spotlight: Ryan Ervin of The Minor Toughs

I spoke with Ryan about being a solo guy with a band name who often does it all himself. Read more…


DIY Spotlight: Benjamin A. Harper

I spoke to Ben about how his record came together, how he got the word out, and what’s next. Read more…

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